Websites & Resources
Below you will find some of the links that might be of use to parents at home. Please feel free to share any that you have found useful with us on Twitter (@ArdaghNS) or via the school email (ardaghnationalschool@gmail.com)
General (links to websites with content for multiple subject areas)
Scoilnet is an Irish website run by the Department of Education. It has a multitude of subject and class specific pages shared by educators. The quality varies but there are some quality resources available.
Seomra Ranga is another Irish website designed for and by Irish educators. It has a considerable array of resources and ideas for all ages. Parents of children in infant classes or in preschool might like to look at the 'Aistear' resources.
Twinkl is a multi resource website used by schools and parents alike. They have created/ collated a range of class and subject specific resources. There is a paywall but the site are offering free membership during the current closures.
BBC Bitesize is an extensive education based website full of games and subject specific links. Topics are designed for pupils up to the age of 15 and is designed to be aligned with the curricula of GB and Northern Ireland. Explore the NI links initially as they are closest aligned to ourselves.
School on The Television
RTE Home School Hub: broadcasts daily at on RTE2 television with a follow up episode each afternoon. Aimed primarily at pupils in 1st to 6th class it presents a variety of interesting and curriculum based themes and topics in 3x20min sections. It is definitely worth checking in with. Alternatively you can catch up on every day's lesson on the RTE Player
Publishers of School Texts.
(* Update Jan 2021: We are awaiting confirmation of these company's intention to again grant access and will update lists and passwords accordingly)
In solidarity with the efforts of schools and parents to maintain some semblance of routine in the learning lives of the pupils all Irish publishers of educational text books have made their web resources free and open to the public. Just to note however that while text books will give a chance to explore and discuss familiar topics and concepts we do not expect parents to become full time teachers and we can assure you that whenever we do reconvene we will catch up and pupils wont lose out!!!
Here are the login directions for
Parents and teachers can follow the steps below to get access:
Go to FolensOnline.ie and click register
Select Teacher
Fill in a username, email and password
For Roll Number use the code: Prim20
CJ Fallon
Access all resources and filter according to your child's age/ ability.
Edcolearning - Go to https://edcolearning.ie/login Use the following usernames and passwords:
Primary level: Username - primaryedcobooks, Password - edco2020
Junior Cert: Username - jcedcobooks, Password - edco2020
Leaving Cert: Username - lcedcobooks, Password - edco2020
Libraries Ireland allow library members to borrow ebooks and eaudiobooks to read and enjoy. If you don't have a library card then never fear you can sign up online too . So get borrowing. (A free reader app such as Borrow Box will be required to read the book on your device)
Storyline Online is a website where celebrities read childrens books aloud. It works very well as a model for young readers who need to practice reading with expression but its also just a very enjoyable experience to have stories read to you.
Oliver Jeffers the ever popular children's author and illustrator plans to read and discuss his work each weekday during the course of the next few weeks https://twitter.com/OliverJeffers/status/1239069008378220546
Teach Your Monster to Read is an app designed to help younger readers practice the basics of reading, as a result of school closures the developers have just launched an app promo for a limited time, hoping to help children continue learning to read while at home. Please note the app is free for IOS but there is a small charge for Google Play.
App Store (FREE):
Google Play ($0.99/£0.99)**:
Amazon Appstore (FREE, starting Thu 19 Mar):
News Magazine Media publish monthly magazines for primary school aged children. The magazines are interesting and entertaining. They are making the full online version of their magazines available for this month:
Fighting Words is an Irish volunteer organisation that promotes writing for children and teenagers. Resources and ideas aplenty here on their website.
Story prompts from Sarah Webb and Museum of Literature Ireland (connected to Fighting Words)
The 100 Word Challenge sets a daily prompt for young writers and encourages them to write 100 words max based on the prompt.The work is then submitted and responded to by moderators (positive feedback only)
Audible: is an huge online library of audio books. For the duration of these closures it is free to access/download. Again audio books might offer the key to unlocking a love of books and reading in a pupil who finds the challenge of reading to be too much. Books can be listened to on a variety of devices. https://stories.audible.com/start-listen
TG4 and its dedicated children site Cuala4 is a treasure trove of cartoons, programmes and activities as Gaeilge. Pupils should listen and focus on the words and phrases they understand.
TG4 https://www.tg4.ie/ga/player/seinnliosta/?plid=6028527668001&ptitle=Do%20na%20P%C3%A1ist%C3%AD!
Cuala4 https://www.cula4.com/en/
FútaFata is a publishing company for childrens books as Gaeilge. Each Day they are hosting a book reading aimed at children. Unfortunately they seem to be only sharing these videos via Facebook and Instagram which may limit its accessibility.The stories are entertaining however and give pupils a chance to listen to the language.
Duolingo is a world famous language learning app.Its gaeilge version is an ideal tool/ challenge / practice framework for pupils from 3rd class to adult.
Assessing as you progress this app engages and develops to match the learners needs.
Kahn Acadamy is website that demonstrates key maths concepts and allowd pupils opportunities to practice and test themselves using online challenges
Scratch is a wonderful entry point into the world of coding and computational thinking. It is free to access and the learning potential is vast if pupils take time to explore and experiment. Again scratch is something we would love to give more time to ordinarily in class but its just not feasible.
Target Boards: Mathsweek.ie have some great puzzles and activities. Target boards are a great challenge that older children and parents alike might enjoy.
Mathsframe is a website with lots of simple but enjoyable maths games that engage and educate. Topics covered span the full range of the curriculum. Although this site is primarily aimed at 2nd to 6th you will definitely find some games suitable for younger learners.
Science Foundation Ireland have a great range of experiment ideas and lesson plans. Although the search page is a little dull and minimalist the experiment ideas are tried and tested. Most materials that are required will be readily available around the house. If you are doing any science at home we'd love to get pics for our SFI Plaque of excellence! If though its parents at home doing the work we'll happily take the credit!!
Horrible Histories is a series of books and videos aimed at children. Historically accurate but focusing on the more extreme and disgusting aspects of the topic, this series is both educational and entertaining. Find the books through Irish Libraries or their YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUNYSwNARexFwxXp3oPAtvg
World Book is an unbelievable resource for learners young and old. You must enter via the Scoilnet web page but this tool is essential for all research projects for every age:
Geoguesser has fun investigation games based on Google Steetview. The basic package is free but it does require users to sign up using an email address.
Talking to your Child about Covid 19 is a document released by the Dept. Of Education in colaboration with the HSE and NEPS. It gives practical advice on how to handle chatting to younger children about the Covid virus.
Webwise: is the internet safety and training website run in conjunction with the Dept. of Education. Their programme HTML Heroes is aimed at pupils in 3rd and 4th class. This full scheme can be used at home but parents should follow the teacher guidelines in order to best achieve the learning objectives.
P.A.W.S. (Primary Aquatics Water Safety) is and initiative by the Water Safety Council to teach primary school children how to stay safe around water. Although designed to be taught in the classroom this free resource is well worth dipping into at home. It is all dry land based and very interactive and fun.
Physical Education
Ardagh NS Skipping Challenges:
Click here to find out more about our Skipping Challenges.
10@10 is a series of 10 minute workouts by RTE these are easy to follow and fun for all the family. https://rtejr.rte.ie/10at10/
Go Noodle: Is an american website and app that hosts a huge variety of movement breaks. There is a pay wall but there are also lots of free dances and activities to try here: https://family.gonoodle.com/
The Body Coach is a celebrity coach who will be broadcasting a child friendly workout every morning @ 9am on his YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ
GAA Coaching The GAA have a huge range of resources, games and coaching videos designed to help teachers teach the skills of our national games. Parents and older children might find hours of skill practice while the Fundamental Movement skills coaching tips are fantastic for younger pupils. https://learning.gaa.ie/primaryresources
Skipping: Skip Hop is a fantastic site for skipping skills tutorials, skipping games and rhymes.
SkipnRope has a YouTube channel hosting tutorials on basic and more complicated individual and group skipping skills.
The Animation Challenge for Kids from Jane Lee of Fighting Words Cork - a daily challenge using free animation software:
I am an Artist: is a lovely website mirroring the Visual Arts Curriculum with ideas for primary pupils of all ages. While there are some resources required there is also plenty of scope to adapt activities for the kitchen table.
Dabbledoo Music is an interactive website designed for the Irish primary curriculum. It has a huge range of engaging lessons for pupils of all ages and comes highly recommended.It is offering free access to families for the duration of the closures and even has a set 4 week challenge for each class level.
Grow in Love is the prescribed learning scheme for Religion in all Catholic Schools. They have a huge range of resources including slideshows, songs and cartoons. To help teachers, students and parents during these closures they are granting free access to the Grow In Love online series.
Simply go to www.growinlove.ie
Use the following details to login:
Email (username): trial@growinlove.ie
Password: growinlove