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Wednesday 3rd June 

Dia daoibh ar maidin a pháistí

I hope you had a lovely weekend and that you enjoyed the fabulous weather. We are fast approaching the end of this very unusual  school year but our learning must continue for another while yet. This is a short week so we will try to catch up on any work  left unfinished from previous weeks and also continue our independent work in our books. I've posted your work in detail on Seesaw as usual.

Our main learning focus is on our persuasive writing skills. I will be asking you to complete another piece of writing for me this week using the template and examples to help you. 

In SESE we will continue with "Something Fishy"  moving on to lesson 3 where you will learn about how salmon spawning occurs and the importance of habitat conservation. 

I look forward to reading your posts to Seesaw during the week.

Best wishes,

Mrs Tighe

Monday 27th April

Dia daoibh a pháistí,

Tá súil agam go bhfuil sibh go maith. We will continue our remote learning through Seesaw. Our focus this week is on Mayo , our own county as well as our regular Maths, Irish and English. 

There is also an opportunity for you to take up The Active Home Challenge which is to complete 60 min of activity everyday. The activity you choose is up to yourself. It can be 6 different 10 min activities or 2 x 30 min activities etc.

Check out The Home Challenges Page for more information.

Thanks to all of you for your posts and engagement with Seesaw. I look forward to hearing from you this week .

Slán go fóill,

Mrs Tighe

Update Monday 20th April

Dia daoibh a pháistí,

I hope you had a lovely Easter and that you and your families are keeping well. As the school remains closed, we will continue our learning remotely through Seesaw.  I know it is difficult during this lovely weather to settle down to school work but try your best.  Thanks to you all for engaging with the Seesaw app. I will check it every day and respond to you as soon as I can.  I’m still finding my way through it and learning as I go along. I have posted the work you should aim to complete before Friday 24th April and additional suggested activities for you to try.

 Best wishes,   

Mrs Tighe

Update Tuesday  31st March

Dear boy and girls,

Hope you are all well during these very unusual times. It looks like we’ll be off school for another while yet, so from today we will start to use “Seesaw”  software  to record and share our work. You will be able to take pictures of your work or upload it and I will be able to read it and get back to you. I will forward a login code this evening to your parents email address.  I am looking forward to connecting with you on the Seesaw this week to see how you are getting on and to offer some suggestions for learning from home.

Bye for now,

Mrs Tighe

 Wednesday 19th March

Dia daoibh a pháistí,

I hope you’re all well and making the most of your time off school. Please ensure that you go outside and exercise in the fresh air and that you take the opportunity to enjoy other hobbies now that you have some extra free time. Even though the school is closed, it is very important that you continue your learning independently. Here are some activities for you to get working on  between now and March 29th.

Mrs Tighe

General Work



English: Spelling made Fun Lists  24 & 25

Irish:   Ceartlitriú 6  : Units 2 & 12 Bia

Maths:  Prim ED  Mental Maths-  Do the next 2 weeks including Friday reviews. Go back over previous weeks and begin to fill in unfinished work.

Project Work: Germany  


Begin to research Germany. You may use the internet with permission from home. Here are some guidelines to help you. Find out about

  • Physical features – rivers, mountains, lakes, coastline

  • Cities & towns

  • Culture- music, dance, language, flag, anthem

  • History- WW1, WW2,

  • Famous Germans-  eg Beethoven

  • Sport

  • Schools & Education

  • Government

  • Industry eg cars, electrical goods

  • Traditional food

  • Tourist Attractions

  • Compare & contrast with Ireland

  • Study one city or river in more detail eg The Rhine


Before you begin your research

How Much Do You Know about Germany?

Find the answers.

1. What does ‘Guten Tag’ mean?

2. Which popular confectionary originated in Germany?

3. What is the capital of Germany?

4. What is this image of?

5. At what age do German children start school?

6. Which famous Friends actor has a German surname?

7. What is the approximate population of Germany?

8. What divided Berlin between the years 1961 and 1989?

9. Which famous German scientist discovered the theory of relativity?

10. Find the name of a famous German football team.

11. Find the name of a famous German Supermarket.

12. What is Lufthansa?

13. ‘Auf Wiedersehen’ means what in English?

14. Which famous composer lived in Bonn?

15. What time does the typical German school day end?

16. Germany is made up of 16 ‘Länder’. What are ‘Länder’?

17. Find the name of a German car manufacturer.

18. What currency does Germany use?

19. Who is the German Chancellor?

20. Which three colours appear on the German Flag?


Find info on these sites

Search” Germany “ in or     There are very good power points and fact files


Try to do a little school work every day. Set aside a definite time each morning and try to get your work done early in the day.

Auf Wiedersehen,

Mrs Tighe

Update on school work  27th March

Dear boys and girls


I hope you are keeping well and that you are aware of how staying away from others will keep you and your family safe and healthy during this time. 

Hopefully you have been able to do some learning activities over the past week or so. Don’t worry if you haven’t completed all the work from our class page, you can work at your own pace.  If you have collected some facts and information on Germany, you could create a power point presentation and email it to me at .


Parents, please don't feel under pressure to cover any of this work with your child most of it is independent work. I know you are very busy with other concerns and worries at this time.


Suggested work for the next 2 weeks


Spelling made Fun Lists  26 & 27  Get someone at home to test you on the lists done and fill in test units at the back of the book

Read, read, read- this is the best time to read as much as you can. Pick a good book and write a book review which you can share with the class when we return. There are many templates online which you can use



  Ceartlitriú 6  :  Revise the units on Bia

Spend a short time each day looking at TG4 or listening to Raidió na Gaeltachta to keep in tune with the Irish language. Keep revising your verbs in your learning log. Check out Briathra pages on Twinkl


Prim ED  Mental Maths-  Do the next 2 weeks including Friday reviews. Go back over previous weeks and begin to fill in unfinished work. Make a note in your learning log of any sums you found difficult

Use Khan Academy to provide practice on a range of topics in Maths.


Some other learning activities to consider is a good resource to help children become proficient in their typing skills. You may help your children to create their own accounts. ( ) Also – here’s a link to the BBC website that teaches you how to touch type. It’s a handy skill for when you are in college and all your assignments are typed.


Try to keep a diary every other day of how you have been spending your time-

Try some free writing e.g. poems, creative writing, email, letter to a friend or grandparent


Computer Coding

Lightbot: Lightbot is an educational game for kids that introduces several principles of programming. Children will practice concepts like sequence, conditions, and loops without typing or coding. Use problem solving skills to complete the puzzles!


Scratch: With Scratch, you can program your own interactive stories, games, and animations — and share your creations with others in the online community.

Scratch helps young people learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively — essential skills for life in the 21st century.

Scratch 5-7 year olds:

Scratch 8-16 year olds:



Other Research Projects

Prepare a research project to present to your class when you come back to school.

Your research project can be about anything that you want! It can be about:

 your favourite team (e.g. Juventus, LA Lakers, Liverpool etc.)

 a type of animal (e.g. Lion, elephant etc.)

 your favourite game (e.g. football, soccer, computer gametc.)

 a landmark (e.g. the Eiffel Tower (France), Christ the Redeemer (Rio) etc.)

 A moment in history (e.g. World War 1, The Titanic etc.)

 Space



Draw, paint or construct


 A caricature of yourself.

 Depict yourself as a superhero.



 A view out of a window.

 The clouds.

 Capture the view from your car’s rearview mirror.



 Choose an object and give it a face.

 Create an alternate cover to your favourite book or album.

 Invent your own insects.

Still life

 Get a handful of utensils and toss them on the table. Draw them as they land.



PE: Practise your Gaelic Football Skills by doing the  200 touch challenge. All you need is a ball and a wall!

Try your best to do a bit every day. Keep safe and help out at home.

Slán agus beannacht, Mrs Tighe

ball challenge.jpeg
lego challenge.png

Junior Classroom making use of our Sports Equipment on a Sunny Break Time. Yard markings have proved to be masterful when providing us with ideas for Active Breaks.

A general view of a busy yard at Break Time



In Ardagh N.S. we enjoy flexing our muscles and stretching our minds. We might n't be the next Simone Biles or Rhys McClenaghan but we realise the importance of balance, forward rolls and bridges to build up our cores.


Outdoor activities and Adventure games underline the importance of teamwork and cool minds!


In Ardagh N.S. we love to try new sports. Based on the same concept of Rounders we tried our hand at Cricket. Watch out The Oval, Lords and Old Trafford Cricket Grounds



Our Active Walkway has been given a new lease of life over the last few years!

As part of our Spring Clean 2024 we have polished up and straighten the signs! Pupils partake in numerous activities such as Maths, English, Geography and even Well Being!

Our walkway measures 250 metres from start to finish and forms an integral trail for our Daily Mile!                    Squatting, burpees, planks and press ups are regular sights on a Monday morning!



With so many devices and apps dominating pupils' attention these days, it can be a challenge to tempt them out of their bedrooms and into the fresh air.

That said, it might surprise you to learn that running and athletics is the third most popular sporting activity in 7-11 year olds after active play and team sports. And it’s the fourth most popular among 11-16 year olds.

But children’s activity levels dropping to the tune of 15% over the last few years since the Covid-19 pandemic, it might be time to help them rekindle their love of exercise.

We all know about the health benefits of running for adults, from improvements in productivity to better mental health and a healthier diet – and kids are no different.


We enjoyed hopping, skipping, dodging, sidestepping and relay races to help us develop our athletic skills. We worked as a team as we successfully passed the batons. It is important to focus on our running technique so as to minimise our energy usage whilst being efficient on our distance travelled.


Our Active Slogan




We had a brilliant get together to celebrate our national saint-Saint Patrick. We donned plenty of green and showed our moves on the dance floor!



Senior Classes refreshed after a lesson in Ballina Swimming Pool

We enjoyed learning about Jamaican Athletics and our Hero



Anyone see a "BOLT" of Lightening??

Getting Active for those Rainy Days











We encourage our classes to partake in as many sports as possible


8 laps of our Active Walkway was the equivalent of one running  whole mile. We encouraged all pupils to jog the distance and were free to walk/jog/walk at first to build up their stamina. We went easy on our Junior Classroom who had to navigate a route of 1km! 




Burning calories as we set off and succeed in finding those hidden Easter eggs. When can we enjoy them now??

Getting Ready for Active Schools Week 23/24


Playground Leaders

Our 6th Class helping our Infants master the various skipping skills

After a tough battle in the Ballina Area Semi Final v Breaffy N.S.
Unfortunately we fell short by 2 points

Success in Ardagh/Crossmolina/Kilfian/Ballycastle section

Enjoying our annual Book Character Parade 23

Girls enjoying the Mini 7s Blitz in Crossmolina

Junior Classroom on tour in Belleek Woods

Celebrating Success with our Local Ladies Club-McHale Rovers

We look for any excuse to be active!!

Getting Ready for the Thrills and Spills of Ballina Area Cross Country Sept 23 

Having a Mini Table Tennis Tournament for European Week of Sport 2023

Building up those arms and legs muscles on School Tour

Getting Ready for a Fun Day at Enniscrone Beach 23

Some useful Websites we have communicated with:
Lands Paw Water Safety Programme 



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Taking a time-out to relax our minds and bodies before school activities commence...


Giving our GAA Boys Team a joyous send off before they head for McHale Park for the Div 3 County Final 2023

Looking forward to the Kenny Cup 2023 Belleek Park

Active Sports Week 22/23




Past Puils visiting us during Active Schools Week 2023 with the All Ireland U14 LGFA Cup

Junior Infants to 2nd Class enjoying their School Tour in the Dome at the Connaught GAA Centre in Bekan


Ardagh N.S. Girls Team who lost the County Semi Final by 1 point    May 2023


Ready for Action at the Anthony Golden Hurling Blitz 23

More Pictures from ASW 23


Out in the Fresh Air for a Nature Walk 23

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